Friday, 11 March 2011

Dude, put in some volume!

So, if I'm honest, the Supernova chase hasn't been going so well. I began the year at PL50 with the easily attainable goal of 300k hands while maintaining a small or breakeven winrate. Well that didn't go quite to plan. As regular readers of this blog will known, and also any Pl50 reg who played with me know, I got crushed, pretty hard. Even with a couple of binks dispersed through those few weeks, I decimated my bankroll. Luckily for me, I managed to get out of the spiral before I went completely busto, however, this meant the end of my Supernova chase. Or did it?

I  recently spoke to another player who's also grinding for Supernova but he's working a little harder than I am. He's grinding PL10 for around 0.08VPP/hand. He estimates he'll need 1.2 million hands this year and he's on pace this year so far at around 100k hands per month, just a sick effort in my opinion. Volume aside, I know how frustrating the PL10 games can be due to their horrific nittiness created by the hoards of weak-tight regs who will undoubtedly never make it past the level, let alone show a profit. I know this player and his game is solid so I have no doubts he'll be moving up soon, but I really admire his determination, not only to play the extreme volume, but also to work on his game in his off time. It's great motivation for me to put in more hands and generally more effort, especially if I ever want to think about Supernova. What's in my favour at the moment is that I'm enjoying my poker and it just doesn't feel like a grind at the moment, so putting in those long sessions aren't as mentally draining as they would otherwise be. I know for a fact that some of the rakeback grinders out there have gotten to the stage where they hate poker, and would love to take a break from the game if only they didn't depend on it for their livelihood, with luck I will never get to that stage.

Anyways, I don't like to make these posts too long, I'm sure they're boring enough as they are. I'm going to post some pretty "lol" hands from the last few days in my next post, and trust me, they will have you in stitches, even if half the time I was crying when they played out. Later y'all.

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